Our process

The process of Företagsfabriken’s incubation or growth program consists of eight steps:

  1. Application

    You as entrepreneur send in an application to join our Growth Program where you describe your business (we treat all information you submit to us with absolute / total secrecy) 

  2. First Meeting

    After reviewing you application, you will meet one associate from Företagsfabriken. In this initial meeting you will get more information about the Growth program and what it entails. In this meeting we also want to learn more about you, your business idea or company to assess if your business idea or business meeting our requirements to eligible for our Growth Program. If we deem that your business idea or business is ready to potentially become a Growth company you will need move to step in the process. If not, you will give your feedback about what is missing for you to be eligible and we can potentially offer you business development in some form, that will give you tool to develop your business and prepare your business idea for the next step.

  3. Screening

    If you business idea or your company in the first meeting was deemed to eligible for a position in the growth program we will perform a screening. Before this screening you will need to submit a description of your company and you will be invited to a meeting where we will ask more questions in depth about your company, business model your team and more. From this we will do an evaluation of your company and if you are ready for our growth program. We will make this decision based on:

    If your company fufills Företagsfabriken’s criteria for incubation
    Can describe your impact on the Agenda 2030-goals
    Our commitment to be a company in our growth program, and have full understanding of what it means. 

  4. Introduction

    If you fulfill our demands you will be offered a position in our Growth Program. The incubation process commence with a prepared introduction program, which consists of several steps. The steps include a session about value proposition and business model, a vision exercise to ensure that the whole team are aligned on longterm vision. After the initial sessions, there will also be training sessions that covers basic economy, marketing and other subjects.

  5. Business Development

    Throughout your time in the Growth program you will work closely with a Business Developer who will help you with your business development, based on your needs and will strengthen four basic fields that will help you succeed with your business.

    Market – feedback from customers, marketing, sales and internationalization .
    Proposition – value offering, MVP (minimum viable product), product.
    Operation – team, business model, visions, objectives, routines, administration, recruitment, sustainability.
    Financing  – ensuring access to capital needed (self-generated capital, public funds or private funds)

  1. Educations

    During your time in the growth program, you and your team members will get the opportunity to participate in an education program – consisting of trainings and workshop. 

  2. Business development meetings and Semiannual check ins

    During your time in the Growth Program, there will be continually check ins where you will receive feedback about your business and the incubation. This will also include financial check ins, and in these check ins your participation in the growth program will also be discussed. If you want to continue the incubation, and if you are fulfilling the requirements to participate in the incubation. At these times you also have the opportunity to highlight if you have need of more support, in terms of tools or efforts to enable you to continue your business. 

  3. Exit

    Before your time at the incubation ends, you will go through the status of your company together with the Business Development Manager. You will discuss the plans for the future, reflect over the time in the growth program and the collaboration through the incubation. This is to provide you the best opportunities to continue manage your business and stay on track on the growth curve to ensure 30 million SEK in turnover after you have left the incubation. This discussion also provides valuable input about how Företagsfabriken can keep improving their growth program.