Företagsfabriken is a member of SISP (Swedish Incubators & Science Parks) an organisation in which incubators in Sweden helps out and share experiences and best practices to support innovative Swedish startups and stimulate not only the region growth, but the whole economy of Sweden.
Företagsfabriken is a member of Sydsvenska Handelskammaren (Southern Sweden’s Chamber of Commerce) which works to ease the conditions for companies and make it easier for them to be successful. They are are doing this through education, consulting, lobbying and connecting the members from various networks.
Företagsfabriken is a member of Sustainable Småland – which is a network that stimulate the development of knowledge – where innovation and creativity focused on innovation and creativity. This is done as they promote companies way of solving the problems of tomorrow with innovative solutions to create business opportunities.
Företagsfabriken cooperate with Manufacturing Guide which is a company that helps create conditions to develop and create new product ideas through Swedish suppliers.